Old Girls’ Association

In 1934 when the first girls left the school the Old Girls’ Association was formed. It had as its president the first headmistress Miss Chambers and subsequently the president has been the Headteacher. This aids the function of the association which is to foster relations between the Old Girls and the school. Membership of the association is open to anyone who has been a pupil at the school.

All school leavers become ‘Old Girls’, so it is certainly not a reflection on age, so that is a myth I wish to dispel immediately.

The OGA is an excellent way of keeping in touch through various meetings we have each year. Social media has taken over these days but cannot compare with meeting up with people and enjoying their company.

As a Wirral Girl, you will have been with close friends for probably seven years of your life, and suddenly from the close-knit nucleus you are dispersed around the UK and beyond. What better way of reuniting than through the OGA.

The main meeting of the year is the January Dinner at Thornton Hall Hotel, which is very popular. The food and company are always excellent and it has consistently proved to be a most enjoyable evening.

June brings our summer afternoon tea, and again the experience is very enjoyable and worthwhile.

Our AGM is held at school in September and all are welcome to attend. It is always good to hear from Mrs Ogunmyiwa, Headteacher about the ongoing excellent results the school achieves.

As Chairman of the OGA, I would encourage you to join and enjoy the whole experience and companionship. We look forward to welcoming you all.

We would love to welcome you as a new member – please email wgsoga@hotmail.co.uk

Barbara Myers, (nee Payne)

The Old Girls Association also operates a Facebook page called Wirral Grammar School for Girls Friends which can be found by searching Facebook or clicking on the link. Membership of the group is £5 pa or £75 as a one off lifetime membership